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Be wary of

some old men say.

Flooded with
they dread drowning in rejection and error.

There the elders go,
be wary of change

But we...
We're not afraid to dare to be different.
We're not afraid to

We're not afraid to make mistakes.
We're not afraid to use the eraser and start anew.

We're not afraid to
take risks.
We're not afraid of ourselves.

Creativity is our battle cry against fear.
Because we, of fear...

We're not afraid of it
in a



The Commander

Orlanda Soares

She is always available to listen to your needs, while dealing with the storm of endless meetings. Always with a smile on her face, she navigates the turbulent waters of competition.


The Master

Rui Ribeiro

He knows the secrets of building bridges between brands and the heart of the public. Each campaign is an orchestration of strategy and execution.


The Hacker

Frederico Avó

The Leonardo da Vinci of websites. His first words were in HTML, and he always starts his sentences with "www". Nobody knows if he was born on a server or in a maternity.


The Visionary

Flávia Melo

Makes your mark more beautiful than a sunset in Santorini. Every detail is carefully chosen to tell your story in a stunning way.


The Wizard

Tiago Balas

He turns words into stories that make audiences smile and take action. Each sentence is like a little piece of strategic poetry.


The Painter

Ricardo Mateus

In a world where colors are hexadecimal codes, he paints every pixel to create a visual symphony that conveys more emotion than the painting of The Crying Boy.


The Coach

Pedro Ferreira

Managing a team isn't just about having the right players on the pitch: you have to design plays that trigger an unstoppable creative attack that leads you to win week after week.


The Dreamer


With an audacious vision and boundless creativity, he aspires to turn dreams into reality, becoming a key player. Yes, you're the dreamer and we're waiting for you!

"Creating since 2016, Risca Agência Criativa likes to live up to its name. Risk is not just a word in our name, it's the essence of what we like to do. We're bold, we're fearless, we're not afraid to keep challenging the rules and, when necessary, we're not afraid to take risks and screw up. 

In our mind, there are two paths that we can take at the start of every project. Two different approaches in terms of compliance and audacity.

One involves carefully following instructions, carrying out standards and procedures precisely and faithfully. The other involves the courage to explore the unknown, challenge conventions and experiment with new possibilities.
Can you guess our favourite approach?
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